Does ML and AI still remain a black box to you? AI has the power to assist medical experts in diagnosing patients by analyzing symptoms, automating operational and administrative tasks, suggesting personalized treatments, and predicting risks. To foster the adoption of AI in healthcare, clinicians need to be fully immersed and trained to fully benefit from its capabilities.

According to the Stanford Medicine Report, 47% of physicians and 73% of medical students are currently seeking additional training or classes to better prepare for healthcare innovations, anticipating almost one-third of their job to be automated by 2040.

The HelloAI Advanced course explores various medical applications of AI, addressing a wide range of challenges with impactful practical examples, from accelerating innovation to real clinical implementations. The course includes technical exercises for a deep dive into AI and introduces digital platforms that enable innovation, development, and secure data storage while ensuring security and data privacy. HelloAI Advanced also emphasizes patient perception: how AI can humanize healthcare by freeing up time for clinicians to interact with patients on a more personal level.

Who should enrol?

 ✓ MSc, PhD students   ✓ Early career professionals and researchers  ✓ Youngling Entrepreneurs (ideas, MVPs, early stage)  ✓ Individuals with a strong interest in Al in Healthcare (no specific background required) 

What to expect

  • Generate new ideas about existing technologies and how they can evolve based on future needs.

  • Explore new AI solutions, developments, and applications in the public healthcare system from a new perspective.

  • Understand the process of AI development in public health systems, emphasizing the foundation of proper data management and protection.

  • Connect with credible, specialized organizations and individuals in AI, fostering potential collaboration in future projects.

  • 22+ hrs. of video lectures

    Improved learner experience with visual examples.

  • Economical pricing

    EIT Health partially supports important initiatives like HelloAI with co-funding.

  • Certification

    Each student receives a certificate of completion and the opportunity to apply for ECTS credits.

What are the benefits

  • Earn up to 7,5 ECTS credits

  • Access to global network of medical experts & professors

  • Explore new career opportunities and a chance to launch a business in the HC AI domain

  • Interact with topmost experts and like-minded peers

  • Learn about the HC AI ecosystem – players, roles and opportunities

  • Access to a broad set of materials to match your interest

Course curriculum

    1. HelloAI Welcome Brochure

    2. How to access your ECTS credit

    3. How to access your EITH certificate

    1. 1.1 - AI, Personalized medicine and rethinking  design​​

    2. 1.2. - Radiology powered by AI​​

    3. 1.3. - AI implementation in clinical environment​​

    4. 1.4. - Transforming healthcare with AI  ​​

    5. 1.5. - AI Application in Ultrasound

    1. 2.1. - Outlook: Start-up journey and acceleration, professional speech is important​​

    2. 2.2 - From scienticif idea to product - A startup journey

    3. 2.3. - Introduction of LEITAT Technology Center​​

    4. 2.4. - AI Product development cookbook​

    5. 2.4.1 - GUIDE: Data Science Cookbook

    6. Module 2 - Quiz 1 - Data Science Cookbook

    7. 2.5 - Outlook: AI from the Lab to the installed Base - Industry insight

    1. 3.1. - Introducing AI solution in your Healthcare Provider organization

    2. 3.2. - Why Data handling, preparing and distributed machine learning are needed?​

    3. 3.3. - “Smartreport”– Explaining medical reports with the help of AI ​

    4. 3.4. - AI Insights by UM - D-Lab

    5. 3.4.1 - AI in imaging - The Example of handcrafted radiomics by UM

    6. 3.4.2 - AI in treatment personalization - by UM

    7. 3.4.3 - AI based decision support systems for improved healthcare - By UM

    8. 3.5. - Introduction of KTH

    1. 4.1. - Python and Google Colab ​

    2. 4.1.1 - GUIDE: Python notebook

    3. 4.1.2 - Python and Google Colab - Intro (Python codes included)

    4. 4.1.3 - Python and Google Colab - Variables

    5. 4.1.4 - Python and Google Colab - Operators

    6. 4.1.5 - Python and Google Colab - Data structures

    7. 4.1.6 - Python and Google Colab - Controll flow

    8. 4.1.7 - Python and Google Colab - Imports

    9. 4.1.8 - Python and Google Colab - Functions

    10. 4.1.9 - Python and Google Colab - Objects

    1. 5.1. - Image Analysis without AI ​

    2. 5.1.1 - Image Analysis without AI - Medical Images

    3. 5.1.2 - Image Analysis without AI - Gray-Scale and Texture Features

    4. 5.1.3 - Image Analysis without AI - Texture Features (cont)

    5. 5.1.4 - Image Analysis without AI - Shape features

About this course

  • €199,00
  • 98 lessons
  • 22.5 hours of video content

Discover the most comprehensive study on AI application in healthcare from the top renowned medical experts, starting today!