Interested in exploring AI and its current and future applications in medical settings? HelloAI Professional is a unique course designed to educate experts within a few weeks on AI technology's context, its potential to enhance patient lives, streamline medical professionals' work, and create new entrepreneurial opportunities.

Who should enrol:

✔ Practicing Medical Professionals  ✔ IT Managers ✔ Business Leaders  ✔ Senior Healthcare Professionals and Executives  ✔ Entrepreneurs

  • Duration

    Self-paced, approximately 10 weeks

  • Effort

    4 hours per week

  • Content

    Theoretical sessions & practical assignments

What will you learn

  • Understand the outcomes AI can deliver to healthcare provider institutions post initial investment.

  • Gain insights into when and why you can trust the "Black Box" and comprehend the nature and implications of algorithm bias.

  • Discover how AI becomes a critical toolkit for making healthcare sustainable and effective through practical case studies.

  • Explore real-life examples from peer institutions and providers on how AI enhances care quality and effectiveness, including insights on challenges.

  • Develop a roadmap for addressing key areas within your organization to ensure successful AI implementation.

  • Understand the benefits and opportunities of data-driven healthcare.

  • Learn about technology diplomacy to facilitate global alignment of AI governance and foster a vibrant innovation system.

Course curriculum

    1. HelloAI Welcome Brochure

    2. How to access your ECTS credit

    3. How to access your EITH certificate

    1. 1.1 - AI, Personalized medicine and rethinking  design​​

    2. 1.2. - Radiology powered by AI​​

    3. 1.3. - AI implementation in clinical environment​​

    4. 1.4. - Transforming healthcare with AI  ​​

    5. 1.5. - AI Application in Ultrasound

    1. 2.1. - Outlook: Start-up journey and acceleration, professional speech is important​​

    2. 2.2 - From scienticif idea to product - A startup journey

    3. 2.3. - Introduction of LEITAT Technology Center​​

    4. 2.4. - AI Product development cookbook​

    5. 2.4.1 - GUIDE: Data Science Cookbook

    6. Module 2 - Quiz 1 - Data Science Cookbook

    7. 2.5 - Outlook: AI from the Lab to the installed Base - Industry insight

    1. 3.1. - Introducing AI solution in your Healthcare Provider organization

    2. 3.2. - Why Data handling, preparing and distributed machine learning are needed?​

    3. 3.3. - “Smartreport”– Explaining medical reports with the help of AI ​

    4. 3.4. - AI Insights by UM - D-Lab

    5. 3.4.1 - AI in imaging - The Example of handcrafted radiomics by UM

    6. 3.4.2 - AI in treatment personalization - by UM

    7. 3.4.3 - AI based decision support systems for improved healthcare - By UM

    8. 3.5. - Introduction of KTH

    1. 4.1. - Python and Google Colab ​

    2. 4.1.1 - GUIDE: Python notebook

    3. 4.1.2 - Python and Google Colab - Intro (Python codes included)

    4. 4.1.3 - Python and Google Colab - Variables

    5. 4.1.4 - Python and Google Colab - Operators

    6. 4.1.5 - Python and Google Colab - Data structures

    7. 4.1.6 - Python and Google Colab - Controll flow

    8. 4.1.7 - Python and Google Colab - Imports

    9. 4.1.8 - Python and Google Colab - Functions

    10. 4.1.9 - Python and Google Colab - Objects

    1. 5.1. - Image Analysis without AI ​

    2. 5.1.1 - Image Analysis without AI - Medical Images

    3. 5.1.2 - Image Analysis without AI - Gray-Scale and Texture Features

    4. 5.1.3 - Image Analysis without AI - Texture Features (cont)

    5. 5.1.4 - Image Analysis without AI - Shape features

About this course

  • €399,00
  • 125 lessons
  • 29 hours of video content

Discover the most comprehensive course on AI application in healthcare from the top renowned medical experts, starting today!